
In 2019, I set a goal to pursue a B.Sc. in Computer Science, which led me to complete the necessary prerequisite before starting at Tel Hai College. Today, I am proud to hold a degree in Computer Science. which further deepened my passion for computers and understanding how they work. In addition to my technical skills, I enhanced my mathematical and problem-solving abilities. During my time at college, I expanded my knowledge in areas like web development, databases, mobile development, Java, Python, C, C++ and networking and also had the opportunity to tutor fellow students in various courses beyond my formal education. I am a self-taught individual and a fast learner, always driven to explore new technologies and improve my skillset.


DevCamper RESTful API

Bootcamp Directory RESTful API built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose. The API supports full CRUD operations for managing bootcamps, courses, reviews, and users. Key features include user authentication with JWT/cookies, bootcamp management restricted to publishers/admins, and field validation via Mongoose. The API also supports photo uploads to the local filesystem and Firebase, calculates average costs/ratings for bootcamps, and handles user password resets. Pagination, filtering, and select field querying are available across multiple endpoints for flexible data retrieval.

Full Stack Support Desk - MERN Stack

Ticket system built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js). The system allows users to register, log in, create tickets, view their tickets, and leave notes for support staff. Users can also close tickets once their issues are resolved. The application features a clean and simple interface and uses Redux Toolkit for state management on the front end, along with authentication to protect routes and data.

Real-Time News App with Guardian API - Android

Project that provides users with real-time news sourced from the Guardian API. The application features a comprehensive collection of the latest news articles, organized into tabs for easy navigation based on categories such as global news, science, sports, and more.

Github profile finder

Project to search for GitHub users and display their profile data using the GitHub REST API. This project demonstrates how to work with third-party APIs, use the Context API with reducers, and create an appealing UI using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI.

House Marketplace for Mobile

House Marketplace, a Mobile First UI platform where users can list homes or apartments for rent or sale. This project utilizes Firebase for the backend, including database, authentication, and file storage. Users can register, list properties, and add special offers, with a mobile-first design that also works seamlessly on desktops.

Feedback Application - REACT

Project demonstrates the fundamentals of React by building a feedback application that collects feedback for products or services. It covers key React concepts such as components, props, state, events, and leverages the Context API for state management and React Router for navigation. A JSON Server is used to simulate a mock REST API, providing a backend-like experience for the client-side application.